Cyberpunk Crypto Glitch Motion Design
December 9, 2024

Cyberpunk Crypto Glitch Motion Design

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Ready to embark on the new Cyberpunk age?
A world full of augmented humans, advanced technologies, artificial intelligence, and where blockchain is ubiquitous! This energetic glitch logo opener is the perfect match for a company in the field of crypto currencies, big data, fintech, cyber security, innovation, AI, or even a YouTube channel providing high-tech news, or game reviews.

The project includes the following :

12 second (modular) logo opener fully customisable + Audio track synched

The project is made of a high-tech glitch effect that reveals the logo with some bitcoin flashes and electric glowing colors, then a second sci-fi glitch displays your slogan or website that finally fades out with a final glitch. A unique futuristic

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