Crypto Program: Enrollment Flow
November 30, 2024

Crypto Program: Enrollment Flow

Crypto Program Enrollment Flow: In this training I will walk you through the process of opening a new account with Crypto Program. Remember, Crypto Program is a private, decentralized project so you are going to need an affiliate code to get started.

First, make sure you have the correct affiliate code from the person that referred you. There are two ways to enroll! I will show you both just in case you have trouble with the first way.

Option 1:

Go to, and in the box type in the 8-digit code located at the end of the affiliate code. A yellow box should appear that says go.

Click on the go!

It should take you to a registration page. Fill in everything in the box, accept the terms and conditions, and then hit the register button. If that doesn’t work then copy the entire affiliate link and open Chrome. Next, open a new Incognito browser. Paste the entire affiliate link in the new incognito browser window.

Fill in your name, email address and create a password. Once you’ve filled in everything in the box click I have read and agreed to the terms and conditions. And then hit the register button. You will land on a blank page.

Go to the top of the page and add a forward slash login after and hit Enter.

Save that address!

You don’t need to go to an Incognito browser next time you login, but you will need to use the forward slash login to access the login page.

Hit login!

You will be prompted to setup your 2-factor authentication. You can’t move on until the 2FA is properly setup. Scroll down to get your unique 2-factor QR code! Once you have scanned the QR code with your authenticator enter the 6-digit code that your authenticator gives you.

In the next training video I will show you how to setup your wallet.

You are in it now! You are on your way to building a monthly salary! Great job!

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